Lotus Center for All Faiths (LCAF)

Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 434-969-3121, ext. 105
Visit yogaville.org/events for a listing
The Lotus Center for All Faiths (LCAF) was founded in 1996 by Sri Swami Satchidananda to share the message of LOTUS: “Truth is one, paths are many.” The mission of LCAF is to promote world peace and interfaith harmony through a greater understanding of the unity underlying the diversity of the various spiritual paths.
As the outreach arm of the Light Of Truth Universal Shrine (LOTUS), LCAF organizes educational interfaith programs, oversees Yogaville’s celebration of the main holydays of major faith traditions, and coordinates interfaith prayer services at Yogaville and other venues. Additionally, LCAF invites representatives from local and national faith-based groups to give presentations at Yogaville. LCAF committee members participate in national and international conferences coordinated by other interfaith organizations.
In addition to its programs, LCAF has been involved in a variety of multimedia projects:
- LOTUS: Light Of Truth Universal Shrine ( a full color book about the shrine and world faiths),
- LOTUS Prayer Book
- A Vision of Peace: the Interfaith Teachings of Sri Swami Satchidananda
- Truth is One, Paths are Many:
An Interfaith Journey - The Interfaith Vision of Sri Swami Satchidananda
- With One Voice
Other Projects
- Interfaith Ritual Music Medley
- Summaries of World Faiths
- Interfaith Resources Listings
- Symbols of Faiths
- Interfaith Chant and Imagery Music Video
LCAF actively collaborates with other interfaith organizations. LCAF is a member of:
- The North American Interfaith Network (NAIN),
- The Parliament of World Religions (WPR), and
- United Religions Initiative (URI).
LCAF continues its outreach work through staff members’ attendance at such interfaith events as the NAIN Connect annual conference, the Parliament of the World’s Religions conferences and other interfaith gatherings.
LCAF has an honorary advisory council of notable interfaith advocates who support the mission of the LOTUS and LCAF.

LCAF Members at 2018 Parliament of World Religions
LCAF members and assistants after opening the LCAF booth at the 2018 Parliament of World Religions in Toronto, Canada.
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