This full color book contains much of the information found on the LOTUS website. This book presents information on the philosophy behind the LOTUS as well as the importance of interfaith cooperation in our world today. You can read about the purpose of the LOTUS in the founder’s own words; discover its beauty through color photos and a virtual tour; bask in its unique architecture and construction—and experience the 1986 dedication ceremonies through recollections and photos of the occasion. You can also learn about the religious traditions represented in the LOTUS through scriptural quotes and photos from the displays in the All Faiths Hall.

More people have died in the name of God and religion than in all the wars and natural calamities. But, the real purpose of any religion is to educate us about our spiritual unity. it is time for us to recognize that there is one truth and many approaches. The basic cause for all the world problems is the lack of understanding of our spiritual unity. The need of the hour is to know, respect, love one another and to live as one global family. Our humble aim in building the lotus is to spread this message.”  —Sri Swami Satchidananda, founder of LOTUS

Order the book here or at Amazon.