Please enjoy the Virtual Tour!

The Lotus Center for All Faiths (LCAF) is offering a special Interfaith Renewal Retreat. Treat yourself to a weekend of spiritual nourishment and connection with other interfaith leaders and believers.

Come to Yogaville and:
  • Go deep with interactive spiritual discussions
  • Participate in silent meditation, Hatha Yoga, dance, and music
  • Visit Light of Truth Universal Shrine (LOTUS)
  • Take part in an Interfaith Service
  • Experience the natural beauty and stillness of our rural environment
  • Enjoy delicious vegetarian meals three times a day

Take advantage of this golden opportunity to refresh and recharge your personal spiritual path and to connect with others from various traditions. You will be re-energized to continue your service and to share more peace and love with the world during these challenging times.

Program presenters include: Swami Jyotirmayananda, Rev. Sumati Govinda Steinberg, RN, BSN, E-RYT 500, C-IAYT, Sari Heidenreich and HuDost

More information here.