November 2018: The Lotus Center for All Faiths team were in Toronto where they had an information booth on the LOTUS and took part in the Parliament of the World’s Religions. For its 2018 theme, the Parliament drew from movements of goodwill and cross-cultural respect that are embodied in the spirit of the interfaith movement: “The Promise of Inclusion, the Power of Love: Pursuing Global Understanding, Reconciliation, and Change.” It featured more than 500 programs and events across six major tracks: The Dignity of Women Across the World’s Wisdom Traditions; Peace and Love: Not War, Hate & Violence; Care for Our Earth, Responsibility for Our Future; The Spiritual Evolution of Humanity & Healing Our Mother Earth; Interfaith Has No Age, Youth Voices for Change; and Advancing Concrete Change Toward a Just, Peaceful, and Sustainable World. Paul Chafee, editor of The Interfaith Observershares his experiences here.



Pictured at the LCAF booth L-R: Satyam Penn (from Toronto), Rev. Sumati Steinberg, Shankara James Jabbour (from Toronto), Swami Dayananda, Swami Jyotirmayananda, Prashanti Friedmann and her husband Sadasiva Buckley.