Interfaith Ritual Music

Interfaith Music

Interfaith Music Medley is a collection of sacred music from various faiths practiced in our world. The medley consists of an approximately one minute version of each piece in tracks 1-11, followed by the full version in tracks 12-22. The short version is designed to get a sense of the rich musical heritage of each faith, which can be used as a part of an interfaith service or prayer circle. The full version is for listening so as to enrich our appreciation for each faith. Tracks 11 and 22 consist of an uplifting flute piece to represent the various other known faiths. The musical selections are set up in the following order, along with the album, title, artist and publishing/licensing information.

Album: American Shaman
Title of Piece: Grandfather’s Prayer
Artist: John Two-Hawks
Publisher & License: Peggy Hill & John Two-Hawks, Circle Studios Records

Album: The Healing Drum: African Ceremonial & Ritual Music
Title of Piece: Berete
Artist: Yaya Diallo
Publisher & License: Destiny Recordings

Album: Anand Bliss
Title of Piece: Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam
Artist: Snatam Kaur
Publisher & License: Spirit Voyage Publishing (ASCAP)

Album: Self-recorded
Title of Piece: Quran 49.13
Artist: Imam Bilal Ankaya
Publisher & License: Self-published with Satchidananda Ashram-Yogaville

Album: O Day of Resurrection! Liturgy of the Hours for Sunday
Title of Piece: Psalm 116 Alleluia! Praise the Lord, all you nations!
Artist: New Camaldoli Hermitage Roman Catholic monks
Publisher & License: New Camaldoli Hermitage, OSB

Album: Tibetan Mantras for Turbulent Times:
Deva Premal and The Gyuto Monks of Tibet
Title of Piece: Compassion: Om Mani Padme Hum
Artist: Deva Premal and The Gyuto Monks of Tibet
Composer: Traditional arranged by Miten
Publisher & License: Prabhu Music Ltd/Kobalt Music



Album: Chinese Taoist Music:
Taoist Music Orchestra of the Shanghai City God Temple
Title of Piece: Zhuxiang Zan (Incense Prayer Hymn)
Artist: Taoist Music Orchestra of the Shanghai City God Temple
Publisher & License: ARC Music Productions Int. Ltd.

Album: Japanese Shinto Ritual Music
Title of Piece: Heron’s Dance
Artist: Sagi Mai and Male Choir
Publisher & License: Collectables Records Corp.

Album: David Shneyer Sings Psalm Songs from Rock Creek
Title of Piece: Etz Khayim Hi
Artist: David Shneyer
Publisher & License: David Shneyer (BMI)

Album: Jai Gurudev
Title of Piece: Nataraja
Artist: Sri U.S. Arun
Publisher & License: Integral Yoga Media,
Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville

Album: Heaven
Title of Piece: Open the Window, Noah
Artist: Radhika Miller
Publisher & License: Radhika Miller Music

Interfaith Chant and Imagery 

Interfaith Chant Sheet

Om Namah Shivaya, Om Namah Shivaya,
Om Namah Shivaya, Om Namah Shivaya (Repeat)
Adonoi Elohim, Adonoi Elohim,
Adonoi Elohim, Adonoi Elohim (Repeat)
Kami, Kami, Hara E Tama E,
Kami, Kami, Hara E Tama E (Repeat)
Lu Sun-Yang, Lu Sun-Yang, Majestic Master,
Lu Sun-Yang, Lu Sun-Yang, Majestic Master (Repeat)
Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum,
Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum (Repeat)
Jesus Yeshua, Jesus Yeshua,
Jesus Yeshua, Jesus Yeshua (Repeat)
Mother, Full of Grace, Mary, Full of Grace,
Mother, Full of Grace, Mary, Full of Grace (Repeat)
Allah As-Salam, Allah As-Salam,
Allah As-Salam, Allah As-Salam (Repeat)

Eck Ong Kar Sat Nam, Eck Ong Kar Sat Nam,
Eck Ong Kar Sat Nam, Eck Ong Kar Sat Nam (Repeat)
Chineke, Chineke, O Creator,
Chineke, Chineke, O Creator (Repeat)
Wakan Tanka, Hay-Ya, Wakan Tanka, Hay-Ya,
Wakan Tanka, Hay-Ya, Wakan Tanka, Hay-Ya (Repeat)
Truth is one, Paths are many, Let us live in peace & joy,
Truth is one, Paths are many, Let us live in love & light (Repeat)
Om Shanti Shanti Om, Om Shanti Shanti Om,
Om Shanti Shanti Om, Om Shanti Shanti Om (Repeat)

© Interfaith adaptation by Casey Devi Dugan
© Musical Recording by Shanti Das, Casey Devi Dugan, Elizabeth Fales, Saraswati Rosenberg (violin)
Produced by Shanti Das
Mastered by Gopal Metro

Editorial Consultant, Swami Jyotirmayananda, LOTUS Center for All Faiths, Yogaville, Virginia