Advisory Council for the Lotus Center for All Faiths

The interfaith service of Sri Swami Satchidananda and LOTUS are coordinated by Lotus Center for All Faiths (LCAF). The Honorary Advisory Council includes the following clergy and professionals:
Ms. Nalanie Chellaram
Founder, Service in Satchidananda (Gibraltar)
Dr. Arun M. Gandhi
Cofounder, The M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence
The Rev. Canon Charles P. Gibbs
Former Executive Director, United Religions Initiative
Dr. Paul Hansma
Professor of Physics, University of California
Pir Zia Inayat Khan
Spiritual Head, The Sufi Order (Virginia)
The Reverend Jefferson Lee
Great Master, Ching Chung Taoist Association (California)
Ms. Kay Lindahl
Founder, Alliance for Spiritual Community; former Chair, North American Interfaith Network
Sri Santalinga Marudhachalam Adigalar
Pontiff, Arulmigu Patteeswarar Swamy Temple and Mutt
Mr. Peter Max
Artist (New York)
Dr. Sulayman S. Nyang
Professor of African Studies, Howard University (Washington, D.C.)
Dean Ornish M.D.
President, Preventive Medicine Research Institute, California
Dr. Kusumita Pedersen
Trustee, Parliament of the World’s Religions
Mr. Joseph Rael – Beautiful Painted Arrow
Peace Chambers (New Mexico)
Dr. K. L. Seshagiri Rao
Professor Emeritus (Religious Studies), University of Virginia
Dr. Omid Safi
Professor of Islamic Studies, University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
Rabbi David Shneyer
Founder, Am Kolel and Kehila Chadasha (Maryland)
Dr. Karan Singh
Former Prince of Kashmir, Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha, India)
Dr. Rajwant Singh
Chairman, Sikh Council on Religion and Education (Maryland)
Brother David Steindl-Rast, O.S.B.
Cofounder, Network for Grateful Living
The Venerable Doboom Tulku
Delegated Representative of H. H. The Dalai Lama: Director, Tibet House (India)
Ms. Alison Van Dyk
Executive Director, Temple of Understanding (New York)
Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Founder, Ligmincha International
In Memoriam: Past LOTUS Honorary Advisory Council Members
Father Robert F. Beh
Chaplain, Department of Social and Health Services (Washington state)
Gerard Blitz
Founder, European Union of National Yoga Federations
H.H. Sri Swami Chidananda
President, Divine Life Society (India)
Roshi Prabhasa Dharma
Founder, International Zen Institute of America (California)
Rabbi Joseph Gelberman
Founder, New Seminary and Rabbi, New Synogogue (New York)
Roshi Bernard Tetsugen Glassman
Founder, Zen Peacemakers (Massachusetts)
Fr. Bede Griffiths, OSB
Founder, Shantivanam Ashram (India)
Dr. Hari N. Harilela
Hong Kong Affairs Advisor to China
Juliet Hollister
Founder, Temple of Understanding (New York)
Sri T.N. Kaul
Indian ambassador and UNESCO member
Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
Founder, The Sufi Order of the West (Virginia)
Acharya Muni Sushil Kumarji
Founder, International Mahavir Jain Mission
Rev. Dr. Clark Lobenstine
Executive Director, InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington
The Reverend Toshio Miyake
Senior minister, Konko-kyo Church of Izuo (Japan)
Robert Muller
Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations
Dr. Raimundo Panikkar
Founder, Raimon Panikkar Vivarium Foundation (Spain)
Dr. P. N. Rao
Chairman of Organic Chemistry Dept., Texas Biomedical Research Institute
Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
ALEPH, Alliance for Jewish Renewal (Colorado)
Justice R. Sengottuvelan
High Court Judge (India)
Sri Gopal Singhji
Director, World Sikh Centre; Nobel Peace Prize Nominee (India)
The Venerable Seung Sahn Soen Sa Nim
Founder, Kwan Um Zen School (Rhode Island)
Sri C. Subramaniam
Chairman, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan International
Sun Bear
Bear Tribe Medicine Society (Washington state)
Sri la Sri Sundara Swamigal
Pontiff, Kowmara Madam (India)
Vajracharya the Venerable Chogyam Trungpa
Founder, Vajradhatu (Colorado)
Dada J. P. Vaswani
Sadhu Vaswani Mission (India)
Sri Swami Vimalananda
President, Divine Life Society (India)
The Very Reverend James Parks Morton
President, The Interfaith Center of New York